Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So, I follow another blog (super great soap info and a bit of life molding as well). When the Soap-Queen starting talking about 09 and resolutions it made me start to think. I normally don't take stock in making goals but it just struck me differently this year, does that mean I'm growing up? (eek)

Here are my crafty resolutions for 09!

-Learn to Knit- if I don’t like it, it’s not like I won’t use the yarn
-ORGANIZE MY CRAFTING!- If you’ve seen my crafting corner(s) you’ve probably shook your ahead and then quickly averted your eyes.
-Improve my Resin endeavors- Measuring isn’t for me I try to never do it even in *GASP* Baking!
-Make Amazing bath bombs- my last/first batch was ho hum, good and amusing but I want to take them to the next level!
-Accidentally lose 40 lbs while crafting (so this one is more on the wish end of things than resolution side)

If there is any way I can help you meet your crafty goals? Let me know! Crafters should be here for each other, its one big family of creativeness!

Be safe tonight and lets start enjoying the NEW YEAR!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas and Hanukkah were a lot of fun! I hope your holidays were/are too! We made it to the tree- Me and the hubby are above. I got a ton of paper crafting goods from my parents for Christmas so I'll just have to make up some new projects to test them out :) And the fella came through and got me a killer camera so hopefully from here on out the pictures get better and better!
Have a Happy and Safe New Year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's beginning to storm a lot like Christmas

Oi! what is going on in the Capital Area!? Storms are coming all over the place (we are supposed to get a couple feet of snow tomorrow). Which when power is provided is great for crafting when it is not it is stressful and craft deprived.... the sadness. Well I'm dieing to show off some of the Christmas/Hanukkah presents I've whipped up but I am holding back. I do have a new spider buddy pendant though! She's got a fuzzy rump, she creeps out the hubby but I think she's cute! Bead Studio had a very helpful tut on how to make your own: .
Cross your fingers for me we should be headed down to NYC this weekend to see the tree in Rockefeller Center :) If this gets snowed out I'm hibernating until July!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Due to the fact that this ice storm has knocked out our power, water, and heat (currently typing from my in laws) the 1st annual Little Gems Party has been CANCELED. Hopefully we can reschedule after the holidays.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Saturday, What are you doing?

So what are you doing Saturday? I'm having my first Little Gems party at my casa starting at 1. Send me a message if you want directions the more the merrier! There will be a free gift for all those who attend and a door prize!

I'll have all my goods for sale (including my new lump of coal earrings above- too funny right?) along with some snackies to munch on so come over to check out my Christmas decorations and if you'd like do some last minute holiday shopping!

Monday, December 1, 2008

My 12 Days of Christmas

So not that I don’t want 5 golden rings (white gold please) but what the heck can someone do with Lords a Leaping and Ladies dancing (besides start a joint on the Vegas strip). Not to mention it now cost $21,000 to gather up this bounty. I was thinking today if I was making my own 12 days of Christmas what would I be singing about?

12- Bottles of Riesling (hey I’m not drinking them all at once)
11- Shirts for work
10- Pairs of jeans/dress slacks (when I was 5 who’d think I’d ASK Santa for clothes)
9- Bags of beads
8- Balls of yarn (so I have A LOT, I still want it)
7- Pieces of jewelry (just because I can make it doesn’t mean I don’t want someone else to do it for me)
6- New DVDs – I’ve seen some killer movies (The Other Boleyn Girl, Eastern Promises, and I need Ghost Hunters on DVD)
5- CDs (just because I have a book case full means nothing)
4-MP4 (I don’t need 4 of them but it should still count because it has the #4 in it)
3- Books (I’m a book worm I LOVE THEM, Twilight better be under that tree this year)
2- Pairs of jammies (who doesn’t want to be snuggly in the great chilly upstate NY)
1- New Digital Camera (the other one isn’t doing much for my inner photographer)

I have other alternates, but who doesn’t?! What would yours be?